How to say hello in Japanese?
How to say I love you in Japanese?
The most effective way to learn Japanese is to repeat Japanese phrase and vocabularies whenever you do.
With this app, you can learn how to speak Korean in 24 hours!
* 700+ common Japanese words and phrases included, each with native speaker audio.
* Every words and phrase with translation pronunciation and transliteration.
* You can play Japanese phrase and vocabularies when the app in background.
* No internet connection required.
- Greetings
- Basic
- Numbers
- Family
- Hobbies
- Love Dating
- Travel
- Holidays
- Place in Japan
- Time
- Country names
- Days and Months
- Personal questions
- Questions
- Request
- Hotel
- Restaurant
- Culture
- Conversation
- Meal
- Introduction
- Adjective
- Going Coming
Support Language:
- English
- 中文简体
- 中文繁體
- 粤语
- 한국어